Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Christians today are not like the early church christians

I think one of the key things today’s Christian can learn from the early church is the core principals of the apostles. The Apostles message played an important part in the development of the early church.  (Acts 17:6) In this scripture the Jews were referring to an apostle who “Turned the world upside down” with his testimony of Christ. Today’s Christian has to take this mental approach. We have to be fervent for the Lord. We have to come across to the General public as being crazy because of the way we speak of Christ in public and in private. When people say to you that you are crazy then you know as a Christian that you’re doing something right. But if you fit in the normal complacent everyday group of average citizens with an also ran status quo for Christ, then you’re in trouble. 
Being truly separated from the World is perhaps another main ingredient of the Early Church that we Christians today need to employ.  (Matthew 6:24) “No one can serve two masters,” Jesus of course uttered this phrase to the wealthy sects of the Jewish community.
In today’s society I cannot tell the difference between a non-Christian and a Christian other than some of the Christian go to Church on Sunday but the minute they leave Church they get involved with the world. As a Christian our worldly involvement should be preaching the Gospel and being Ambassadors for Christ. Our conviction for Christ Jesus should utter off our lips fluently without thinking about it.
The old church was all about keeping the Sabbath day. Today’s Christian has evolved into Secularist. There used to be a time when people would not do business on Sunday so they could honor God and seek his will through prayer. But in today’s culture Sunday is no different than any other day of the week. I do admire the Chick-Filet owner for being closed on Sunday. He is telling the World that he observes God on this Day. I think we need to do that has Christians. We need to say to the World were honoring God on this day by not working.  A good example of our society is evolving into a secular society is the amount of people found wearing casual clothing lounging around in a Starbucks on Sunday morning. I challenge any Christian to walk into a Starbucks on Sunday morning and strike up a conversation about Christ to someone.
I think a quote from the Letter to Diognetus, describes the early apologetic Christians to the Romans perfectly “They dwell in their own countries simply as sojourner…They are in the Flesh, but they do not live after the Flesh. They pass their days on earth, but they are citizens of heaven.” Can this be said about today’s Christians? I think Not.